See earnings in BTC feature: The usd earnings are based on you immediately selling your BTC to USD every day but since you get paid in BTC from your mining contracts these numbers are not accurate if you decide to keep your btc for long time.. That's why I added the option to see your earnings in BTC and see how much that BTC is worth now in $. Create A New Photo Library Mac

See earnings in BTC feature: The usd earnings are based on you immediately selling your BTC to USD every day but since you get paid in BTC from your mining contracts these numbers are not accurate if you decide to keep your btc for long time.. That's why I added the option to see your earnings in BTC and see how much that BTC is worth now in $. 0041d406d9 Create A New Photo Library Mac

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These are the actual past earnings based on the days mining difficulty, bitcoin price and mining fee.. The graph uses the number of terrahashes entered (default it's 1) and takes into account the mining fee.. Therefor for earnings earlier than 2016-07-09 it's not accurate Actual earnings before that date should be close to double.. Just below that you can see the total cost of your terrahashes in $ And their earnings for the past 30, 90 days etc. Cadimage For Archicad 22 Crack

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